Bylaws of the NFOS
This edition of the Bylaws for the National Federation of Opticianry Schools includes bylaw changes ratified during the NFOS Winter meeting held in Albuquerque, NM on January 4, 2003.
The name of this organization shall be the National Federation of Opticianry Schools, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “NFOS” or the “Federation”).
The (NFOS) is an association of opticianry schools dedicated to facilitating the development of formal educational programs in identified areas of need; upgrading the standards of opticianry education; facilitating the exchange of teaching methods; working for the uniformity of formal education in opticianry; and aiding other national opticianry associations as deemed mutually beneficial.
Section 1 – Active Membership
All schools of opticianry may be active members of the NFOS if tthey provide at least one academic year of training (hours of training equation to one academic year to be determined by the Executive Board).
Section 2 – Voting
Each member school of the NFOS, hereinafter referred to as “members”, will be represented by the coordinator/director of the member school or his/her representative. Each member school of the Federation shall have one (1) vote per school.
Section 3 – Election of Members
Any school eligible for membership under these bylaws may be elected to membership on written application. For such election, a simple majority of a quorum of the membership is required upon favorable recommendation from the Executive Board.
Section 4 – Termination of Membership
Membership in this association may terminate by voluntary withdrawal. Any member failing to pay dues within the calendar year billed will be notified of probationary status. After one year in arrears, the member will be removed from the membership roster.
Section 5 – Suspension and Expulsion
Any member school may be suspended or terminated for cause. Sufficient cause for such suspension or termination of membership shall be violation of the Bylaws or any lawful rule or practice duly adopted by the Federation. A committee consisting of representatives of three (3) member schools appointed by the President will consider possible suspension or termination situations and recommend appropriate action to the membership. Suspension or expulsion shall be by a two-thirds majority vote of the entire membership.
Section 1 – Annual Dues
The annual dues shall be determined at the winter business meeting of the membership. Dues are payable at the beginning of the calendar year as specified in Article X of the Bylaws. Members will be billed in February of each year for the amount due for the calendar year. Members who fail to pay their dues shall be notified in writing, by the Executive Manager within two (2) months of the payment deadline that they are no longer in good standing.
Section 1 – Business Meetings
There shall be no less than one business meeting each year. A winter meeting will be held at a site recommended by the Executive Board and approved by a simple majority of the membership. NFOS meetings will be conducted for the purpose of abiding by the mission of the NFOS (Article II), receiving committee reports, and the transaction of other business. Written notice of such meetings shall be sent to all members not less than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting date. The Federation meetings will be conducted by the guidelines of Total Quality Management and the current edition of the Roberts Rules of Order.
Section 2 – Special Meetings
Special meetings may be called by the President with the unanimous consent of the Executive Board. Written notice of such meetings shall be sent to all members not less than (30) days nor more than sixty (60) days prior to the date thereof. The membership can also be notified by electronic communications.
Section 3 – Quorum
One third of the member schools in good standing shall constitute a quorum at meetings and/or by mail vote. If a quorum is not present at any business meeting, a mail vote will be necessary.
Section 1 – Jurisdiction
The Executive Board shall have supervision, control, and direction of the affairs of the Federation and shall determine its policies or changes therein within the limits of the Bylaws. The Executive Board shall use discretion in the disbursement of funds between annual meetings.
Section 2 – Membership
The current officers of the Federation and the immediate past President shall constitute the Executive Board.
Section 3 – Meetings
Meetings of the Executive Board may be conducted by any available media if necessary. Members of the Executive Board shall be notified at least ten (10) days in advance of such meetings. Any actions taken by the Executive Board must be reported to the members at the next meeting.
Section 4 – Quorum
A majority of the complete Executive Board shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the board.
Section 5 – Compensation
Executive Board members shall not receive any compensation for their services as Executive Board members; but the board may authorize reimbursement of expenses incurred in the performance of duties that facilitate the operation of the organization. The Executive Board will notify the membership of any such reimbursements made at the next business meeting.
Section 6 – Appointments
The Executive Board shall suggest Federation representative to the American Board of Opticianry (ABO) and the Commission on Opticianry Accreditation (COA) which ar to be elected by a majority of a quorum of the total membership at the annual meeting or by a majority of a quorum by mail vote.
Section 1 – Titles
The officers of the organization shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 2 – Election, Qualifications and Term of Office
Officers of the organization shall be elected every two (2) years at the winter business meeting in even numbered years. Each elected officer shall take the office at the conclusion of the meeting in even numbered years and shall serve until terminated or until his/her successor is duly elected. If the business meeting is conducted by a mail vote, the new officers shall take office after the votes have been tallied by a representative from a member school. This representative will be appointed by the Executive Board. If an elected officer becomes unaffiliated with a member school for more than six (6) months, he/she will no longer be eligible to serve as an officer of the Federation. The Executive Board will appoint an acting officer affiliated with a member college to complete the term of office.
Section 3 – Vacancies
Vacancies in any office may be filled for the balance of their term by the Executive Board with the exception of the office of President.
Section 4 – The President
- (a) The President shall act as the chief executive officer of the Federation.
- (b) The President shall call and preside at all meetings of the Federation and the Executive Board.
- (c) The President shall countersign all contracts and other instruments of the Federation except checks.
- (d) Subject to control of the Federation, the President shall exercise general leadership and supervision over the affairs of the Federation in implementing its purpose; and execute such additional duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Executive Board and by the Bylaws.
- (e) The President shall also be the Chairperson of the Executive Board.
- (f) The length of time an individual can serve as President is two (2) complete, consecutive terms. After a four (4) year period, an individual will be eligible to hold the office of President again.
Section 5 – The Vice President
- (a) The Vice President shall assume and perform the duties of the President in the event of the absence, incapacity or resignation of the President.
- (b) The Vice President shall perform such other duties and have such other powers as may be assigned from time to time by these Bylaws or by the Executive Board or the President.
- (c) The Vice President shall be a member of the Executive Board.
- (d) The Vice President shall be responsible for contacting all committee chairs prior to business meetings to facilitate completion of their assigned responsibilities which could include written reports.
- (e) The length of time an individual can serve as Vice President is two (2) complete, consecutive terms. After a four (4) year period, an individual will be eligible to hold the office of Vice President again.
Section 6 – The Treasurer
- (a) The Treasurer shall have custody of the funds of the Federation which shall be deposited in the name of the Federation at such depositories as the Executive Board may specify.
- (b) The Treasurer shall countersign checks and drafts drawn on behalf of the Federation which are in excess of $1000.00.
- (c) The Treasurer shall be available to work as a team with a certified public accountant who will be appointed by the President at the time of the annual financial report preparation.
- (d) The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping accurate records of receipts and disbursements which will be kept as official records of the organization. The Treasurer shall perform such other duties and have all powers applicable to the office of Treasurer and shall perform such other duties and have such other powers as may be determined by the bylaws, Executive Board or President.
- (e) The length of time an individual can serve as Treasurer is two (2) complete consecutive terms. After a four (4) year period, an individual will be eligible to hold the office of Treasurer again.
Section 7 – Secretary
- (a) The Secretary shall be responsible for recording the minutes of the business meetings and distributing them to all member schools; recording all special meetings, notifying Executive Board members of Executive Board meetings, and notifying members of any special meetings that may be pending.
- (b) The Secretary shall be a member of the Executive Board.
- (c) The Secretary shall perform such other duties which may be duly assigned by the Executive Board or the President.
- (d) The length of time an individual can serve as Secretary is two (2) complete consecutive terms. After a four (4) year period, an individual will be eligible to hold the office of Secretary again.
Section 1 – The Executive Manager
- (a) The Executive Manager shall be recommended by the President and approved by a vote of the majority of the members of the Federation (by mail ballot or at the annual meeting).
- (b) The Executive Manager, if financially compensated, shall be given an annual contract and, at the discretion of the Executive Board, may be re-appointed for additional contract periods. The contract for the Executive Manager may be terminated for cause by the affirmative vote of a two-thirds majority of the members.
- (c) The Executive Manager shall be responsible for supervision of the day to day operation of the NFOS. S/he shall have the following responsibilities:
- (1) Reproduce and distribute the minutes of the meetings to the Federation members.
- (2) Have custody of the seal, certificates of membership, and other important papers of the Federation and shall have the authority to cause such seal to be affixed to, or impressed or otherwise reproduced upon all documents, the execution and delivery of which have been duly authorized.
- (3) Execute the duties essential to the maintenance of records and correspondence of the Federation as directed by the President.
- (4) Accept members into the Federation and maintain a roster of members and the status of these members.
- (5) Send notice of dues and collect fees.
- (6) Sign all checks drawn on behalf of the Federation and maintain appropriate records in connection therewith, subject to Article VII, Section 6.
- (7) Attend meetings of the Executive Board and other Committee meetings as stated in the Bylaws.
- (8) In general, perform all duties and have all powers incident to the office of Executive Manager and shall perform such other duties and have such other powers as may be designated.
Section 1 – Standing Committees
The following is a list of standing committees and their rules:
- (a) American Board of Opticianry (ABO) – The Executive Board shall recommend one (1) representative of a member college to sit on the ABO Board of Directors. The person nominated by the Executive Board must be elected by a simple majority of the membership at the next business meeting. The length of the appointment is one (1) year.
- (b) Bylaws – The committee is comprised of the Vice President and a minimum of two (2) Federation faculty members appointed by the Executive Board. The length of appointment is one (1) year.
- (c) College Bowl – The committee is comprised of a minimum of four (4) Federation faculty members appointed by the Executive Board. The length of appointment is one (1) year.
- (d) Commission on Opticianry Accreditation (COA) – The Executive Board shall recommend two (2) representatives from member colleges to sit on the COA Board of Directors. The nominees must be elected by a simple majority of the membership. The length of the appointment is three (3) years.
- (e) Dennis M. Tilley Educator of the Year – The committee is comprised of the President, one (1) past recipient of the award and one (1) Federation faculty member. The length of appointment is one (1) year.
- (f) Curriculum – The committee is comprised of a minimum of four (4) Federation faculty members appointed by the Executive Board. Two of the members will be from schools that offer distance education courses. The length of appointment is one (1) year.
- (g) Fund Raising/Grants – The committee is comprised of a minimum of four (4) Federation faculty members appointed by the Executive Board. The length of the term is one (1) year.
- (h) Meeting – The committee is comprised of a minimum of four (4) Federation faculty members appointed by the Executive Board. Two of the members will be from a previous Meeting Committee. the length of the appointment is one (1) year.
- (i) Membership – The committee is comprised of a minimum of three (3) Federation members appointed by the Executive Board. The length of the appointment is one (1) year.
- (j) NFOS Achievement Award – The committee is comprised of the President and a minimum of two (2) Federation members appointed by the Executive Board. The length of the appointment is one (1) year.
- (k) Nominating Committee – The Executive Board will appoint a Nominating Committee of three (3) Federation faculty members to nominate candidates for offices of the Federation. The appointment of this committee will take place at the winter meeting in odd numbered years. The committee shall notify the Executive Board (in writing) of the names of the proposed candidates at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of the election. The names of the proposed candidates shall be presented for election by the membership at the winter meeting in even numbered years.
- (l) Public Relations – The committee is comprised of a minimum of two (2) Federation faculty members appointed by the Executive Board. The length of appointment is one (1) year.
Section 2 – Special Committees
The President, subject to the approval of the Executive Board, shall appoint special committees as he/she may find necessary.
Voting on any matter may be conducted by mail. Vote totals will not be tallied until thirty (30) days after the ballots were mailed to the respective members. The results of the tallied vote will be communicated to the membership.
The fiscal year shall commence on the first day of January and shall end on thirty-first day of December.
The Executive Board my adopt a seal that will be the official seal of the Federation.
By resolution, the Federation may provide for indemnification of its officers and directors (past or present) against expenses incurred by them in connection with the defense of any action, suit or proceeding.
The Federation shall only use its funds to accomplish the objectives and purposes specified in these Bylaws. Upon dissolution of the association, any remaining funds shall be distributed to educational organizations selected by the Executive Board..
These Bylaws may be amended, repealed or altered in whole or in part by a majority of a quorum vote at any regularly scheduled business meeting providing that the amendments are presented to the member schools at least thirty (30) days prior to the next scheduled business meeting.
Submitted by the Bylaws Committee Chairman Thomas L. Schulz